Friday, June 18, 2010

Decided to start a blog.

So, today I decided I would start a blog, obviously. Not that I have anything important or crucial or even particularly interesting to say. Just because it's something I have not done before and it might be fun. I probably will talk a lot about cooking and baking because that is one thing I love to do. Also, about babies and all that sort of thing because I am currently 36 weeks pregnant with my first child. Her name is Audra and I am just counting down the seconds until she gets here. Hoping doing something, like blogging, can take my mind off of it because I feel like I'm going crazy waiting. I'll probably add things that are going on in my life, things at church and just whatever I fancy that day.

Today, actually in just a little bit, my wonderful mom will be coming by to pick me up and we are going to make a little trip to the hospital where I will deliver. Just a little meet and greet thing, get a tour, fill out some paperwork, that kind of thing. Also today, my dad left the country. His mean (not really) job sent him to Singapore on business and he will be gone for a month, which means he will most likely be missing the birth of his first grand child and I won't have my dad there with me.. It's pretty stinky but it will be ok. I hope he has a good time at least. My best friend is also currently out of country. She is on a three month mission trip in India. She has a blog detailing all of that if you're interested. It's I miss her terribly already and she won't be back until the middle of August! What a long summer it will be.

I just finished washing Audra's clothes, so I need to get those put away, and mixing up some cookies, they're in the fridge and I need to bake them now. So, I'll just leave you with this first post, hoping someone reads it and I'll talk to you later.

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